New technical solutions for the production of rare metals

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New technical solutions for the production of rare metals   Key words: rare metals, nonferrous metals, hidrometallurgiya, copper, nickel, lead, vanadium, gallium, titanium, selenium, scandium, indium, biotechnology, iodine, bromine, platinum, silver, palladium, gold   The experimental tested way to extract rare metals from water containing non-concentration of rare metals. The basis is patented method bioaccumulation in akvalnyh systems. Using mini-factory for the production of biomass hlorelly achieved QUANTITATIVE extraction of copper, nickel, iron, silver, iodine and effluent industrial plating production. The effectiveness of exceeds 99.9%. Biomass is produced biosynthesis and is inexpensive. This obuslovolena profitability process. Of course with a collection of sewage and wastewater treatment